Saturday, February 16, 2019

Find Out Risk Factors & Prevention Of Type 2 Diabetes Disease

To keep you stay away off diabetes and its-related health problem quite a must, by focus in prevention of diabetes and to know the factor and risks that follows

Figure out some of risk factors very helpful to prevent any diabetes disease, by knowing these you can take prevention's to avoid and turn your lifestyle out to the healthy lifestyle 

Some of diabetes risk factors can be mentioned below :

  • Person who older than 45 years old
  • Being in obesity or overweight
  • Excess fat around waist
  • Familial diabetes history 
  • Low good cholesterol or HDL
  • Blood fats or triglycerides in high levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome 
  • Impaired glucose tolerance over a person

Apart of that mentioned factors, the ethnic groups also become the reason for someone to get this kind of diabetes disease, if you are belongs to these mentioned ethnic then it can be you will get affected 

Those ethnics are African-Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Hispanic Americans tend to have high risk for diabetes disease

It would be become a question what can we do to control that, but need to understand age and familial history of diabetes can't be controlled ..

Different to other risk factors that can be avoided by run any healthy lifestyle and make a healthy lifestyle as daily habit

Instead of taking any medical treatment for a low scale of diabetes or for those who want to prevent this type of diabetes disease can do some of approaches as below

Since many substances like minerals and vitamins, herbs to be believed effective to prevent someone from the risks, it would be very advisable for you to have slight of knowledge

Vitamin D

According to the data taken from 83,770 women those who taking combination of 800 IU vitamin D and 1,200 mg calcium intake for daily use was determined to have lower risk of type 2 diabetes for 33 percent in compare to those who taking daily dose under 400 IU vitamin D and less 600 mg calcium 

For gain these kind vitamin and minerals solely from the food intake and direct sun shines exposures can be challenging it would be advisable by any medical experts for having daily supplement into your daily diet to boost the requirement of vitamin D

In response to this matter, it would be better to consult your doctor according the supplement intake, since there is a study supplement contains vitamin B12 from supplements (not from food source) linked to cause lung cancer 


Drinking at least four cups of tea per day can help you to prevent from risk of type 2 diabetes - according to nine studies among 324,141 participants 

For a more closer details green tea may help to prevent this type 2 Diabetes while for black tea kindly helping to lowering the diabetes management 


Someone who taking cinnamon intake for daily routine could reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular due to the study published in 2009 of 22 participants 

The study being taken from those who impaired blood glucose and they were being treating by taking daily cinnamon intake for about 12 weeks

It's been started from another researches for this cinnamon intake may associated to reduce fasting blood glucose , LDL or bad cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol

To know more the following complication that may come along with this diabetes disease : heart disease , stroke, risk for joint and bone problems may increasing , eyes kidney and nerves damage, osteoporosis, also skin and mouth condition

By simply following these easy strategies you might able to prevent yourself from having type 2 Diabetes Disease 

Ensure you are consume healthy diet such as fruits, vegetables, healthy days and whole grains

Maintain your weight by control your daily food intake and exercising for 30 minutes per day can be another prevention you can do to avoid diabetes 

It's also very important to keep your health under control, routine to check blood pressure and cholesterol, starting at age 45 or before 

Natural remedies for diabetes prevention 

According to researches still ain't sure what kind of natural remedies that good for this disease, if so then you may consult the doctor according to this

Self treating to a condition and avoiding standard  medical treatment to cause a deep consequences however, alternative medicine should be discussed before as to know the risk and benefit

Find out the common symptoms for type 2 Diabetes :

.weight loss
.burred vision
.frequent passing pee ..urination
.persistent fatigue

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