Breast cancer considered as the second leading to cause death after lung cancer
Instead of taking procedural medic stranded treatments that may has drawback it doesn't go wrong for you to consider any natural remedies or herbs that may able to lowering the developing cancer or prevent it
I don't want to give deep explanation about what breast cancer is, here what I want to explore are some of herbal natural remedies you may take to prevent
Produced in Europe also, aromatic plant which belongs to Asteraceae and most common of this species that used as herbs are echinacea angustifolia, purpurea and pallida while for treatment and research purpose the purpurea mostly known
Common name that you may familiar-with which linked to Echinacea the purple coneflower , black Sampson and Kansas snakeroot.
Studies has shown over mice that this herb effective to raise natural killer cells which will eliminate the potential cancer cell
The Echinacea also has flavonoids which acts as immune-stimulant , will lessen the harmful effect of chemotherapy and radiation plus prolong the life survival with progressive stage of cancer
Chances of living in breads cancer patients increasing cause of this
Chances of living in breads cancer patients increasing cause of this
The most common natural remedy you can easily get from home, allium sativum noticed to be part of herb that effective for any illnesses
Considered able to help the breast cancer due to high amount of anti-cancer organic sulfides also polysulfide by stimulating lymphocytes and macrophages in killing the cancerous cells
Improves body immune system, and increasing to remove carcinogens from one's body also help to detoxifying the activity of enzymes
The potential ripened extract of garlic acted as shield to protect from several types of cancer : stomach, colon, lungs bladder and breast
In short the complication cause of standard therapy of chemotherapy and radiation can be lessen by this garlic extract
Familiar as curcuma longa, it has dark yellow color which used to coloring the food popular as curcumin - active ingredient
Phenolic substances that has power as anti-cancerous activity and propagation can be lessen by this turmeric of lung, breast, skin and stomach cancer
Earlier mammogram help to detect breast cancer over thirties
Earlier mammogram help to detect breast cancer over thirties
Possessed any greens and herbs with leaf, carotenoids has dyeing agents and able to find in saffron, paprika and annatto
It's been a general knowledge vegetables consumption will be healthy and positive of different tumor cells to spread
Carotenoids intake may help to decrease the occurrence of tumor cells as it has substances of antioxidants and acted as therapeutic stimulate the immune system, protect against oxidative damage , free radicals
Green Tea
Known as camellia sinensis it has anti tumor also anti-mutagenic activity , studies on animals has shown green tea polyphenols restricting the cancer cells division and apoptosis tumor cells
Harmful effect caused of radiation and chemo therapy can be lessen by this green tea due to antioxidant activity
The active substance that gingseng has contribute to reduce and blocking development of tumor necrosis in mouse skin, block the cancer cells from metastases also block propagation
Can be found easy in Japan, Korea Russia and China this plant possesses effective ingredients that potential to reduce cancer risk in human due to research in. Korea
The most effective ones you can take from gingseng is in extract and dried powder , will help to boast the natural killer cells impaired caused of chemotherapy and radiation , will enhance the antibodies formation as well
Vitamin D
Can be found easily by skin exposures to the sunlight , kidney has main important task to maintain active hormonal form of vitamin D In blood
Changing your lifestyle habit can also help you to prevent or block from developing cancer cells
Healthy dietary intake - take vegetables less meat
People who consume more brightly colored vegetables and fruits have less chances to get affected by breast cancer , the flavonoids pigments noticed to be anticancer substance
Broccoli, lettuce, eggplant, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and some of fruits : orange, apples, melons would be very advisable
Processed meats likely bologna,sausage, bacon, hot dogs and ham can cause to colorectal cancer while red meat such as goat, beef, lamb, and pork determined to be carcinogenic ones
Processed meat linked to cause breast cancer which become big reason why you should to avoid
Run workouts or exercises regularly every week
By maintain your health by 300 minutes exercises per week the chance you getting healthy is very big
Report showed people who ran physically active having less chance to get any cancer disease like breast, osteoporosis and heart disease according to European Code Against Cancer
Physical activity who being treated to those women who engaged to breast cancer has shown a significant result once they performing exercises , improve physical health and mental
Breast implants can lead to breast cancer
30 minutes exercises for four days in the week then a hour for the rest of the week advisable to improve your health call it tennis, swimming, walking, running or anything you like
Lose your body fat
Obese become risk factors that someone may get breast cancer, therefore lose your body fat will help you to protect from this disease to happen
Stop smoking
Women who smoke have greater possibilities to get affected by breast cancer, tobacco already linked to cause cancer
Stop drinking alcohol
Women who drink alcohol the more she drinks the more chances to get affected, you can consider to stop and drink alcohol-free for a better life
Changing your lifestyle habit can also help you to prevent or block from developing cancer cells
Healthy dietary intake - take vegetables less meat
People who consume more brightly colored vegetables and fruits have less chances to get affected by breast cancer , the flavonoids pigments noticed to be anticancer substance
Broccoli, lettuce, eggplant, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and some of fruits : orange, apples, melons would be very advisable
Processed meats likely bologna,sausage, bacon, hot dogs and ham can cause to colorectal cancer while red meat such as goat, beef, lamb, and pork determined to be carcinogenic ones
Processed meat linked to cause breast cancer which become big reason why you should to avoid
Run workouts or exercises regularly every week
By maintain your health by 300 minutes exercises per week the chance you getting healthy is very big
Report showed people who ran physically active having less chance to get any cancer disease like breast, osteoporosis and heart disease according to European Code Against Cancer
Physical activity who being treated to those women who engaged to breast cancer has shown a significant result once they performing exercises , improve physical health and mental
Breast implants can lead to breast cancer
30 minutes exercises for four days in the week then a hour for the rest of the week advisable to improve your health call it tennis, swimming, walking, running or anything you like
Lose your body fat
Obese become risk factors that someone may get breast cancer, therefore lose your body fat will help you to protect from this disease to happen
Stop smoking
Women who smoke have greater possibilities to get affected by breast cancer, tobacco already linked to cause cancer
Stop drinking alcohol
Women who drink alcohol the more she drinks the more chances to get affected, you can consider to stop and drink alcohol-free for a better life
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