Wednesday, February 13, 2019

To Get A Brief Of Ovarian Cancer Signs, Cause And Risk Factors

Keeping us stay healthy is important, so does to know any signs and risk factors of kind disease in order to be more caution

Ovarian cancer already become fifth-leading to cause death among women, it would beneficiary to be alerted upon it's warning signs, causes and risk factors to let us more caution and do prevention

We better off find out what become the major cause upon this ovarian cancer disease that attack mostly older women and encountered to be one of most-leading cause of deaths aside cervical, uterine and breast cancer 

The ovarian cancer attacks ovaries that produce egg cells in where still unknown as doctors yet to know exactly the major cause that lead to this disease, but there must certain factor there

Important - breast implant may cause cancer

Ovarian cancer itself noticed in two different types that classified due to where cells arise from, the normal treatment for this disease are surgery and chemotherapy

The main cause of ovarian cancer generally by a mutation changes in DNA as according Mayo Clinic, this mutation will trigger cell to grow multiply quickly and result to create mass abnormal cells to invade the nearby tissues to cause initial tumors that spread elsewhere in one's body

The ovarian cancer also will be there according to many factors such as for those familial history of ovarian cancer, breast and colorectal cancer 

And not only that, women who having factors as mentioned also having chances to get affected such as older women age over 50, obese or being overweight, late pregnancy, inherited genetic mutations, ever using IVF fertility treatment and taking hormone therapy after menopause

If it can be noticed earlier then would be better step to take , unfortunately the ovarian cancer causes symptoms rarely occured in the initial stages

These condition keep going undiagnosed until it spread more to pelvis and abdomen, but you can be alerted of these mentioned below 

Ovarian cancer signs and symptoms that common are :
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Swollen tummy
  • Weight loss
  • Bowel habits changes like constipation
  • Full quickly when eating
  • Frequently passing pee
  • Tummy and pelvis felt discomfort
Those are might same as common symptoms mostly for IBS irritable bowel syndrome, though being ignored for some - it's always better to check doctor when you find discomfort in concern to you

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